Welcome to Mrs. King's Kindergarten Class

abc kids

Contact Information

Mrs. Cara King

Join my Remind Group

Email me at cking@socs.k12.in.us 

School voicemail:  812.828.6000, ext. 8101


My husband, Brad, & I have been married for 31 years, and we have two children, Cooper (12th grade) and Cambria (10th grade).  (This is me with my dog, Max!) I have lived in Owen County most of my life since the age of two, and after graduating from Owen Valley in ‘88, I received my teaching degree from Indiana State University, while focusing on kindergarten/early childhood as my minor.  I also received my Master’s Degree from Indiana Wesleyan University in 1997.  I began my teaching career with Spencer-Owen Schools in 1993, and teaching kindergarten has been a major portion of my professional career, but I have also taught second grade, and I served as a K-3 Reading Coach.  

At-Home Resources

Websites we use in the classroom & can also be used at home:


Epic - Books for children



Me & Max

Welcome to Room 101

It is my goal to make Room 101 a safe and happy environment for your child with lots of learning going on!  With today's uncertainties, school in general, as well as my classroom, will look a little different than it has in the past, but I am committed to making your child's transition to elementary school as smooth as possible.

Daily Schedule

7:40 Breakfast in the cafeteria

8:00 – 11:00

·         Jobs/Seatwork/Minds in Motion

·         Math Block

·         Reading Block (whole group, small groups, WIN groups)

11:00-11:30   LUNCH

11:30-12:00  RECESS

12:10-12:50  SPECIAL (M-Library; T-P.E.; W-Art; Th-Life Skills; F-Music)


·         Word Work

·         Afternoon Reading &/or Math groups

·         Writing

·         Stations

2:45  Dismissal (M-Th)

2:15   Dismissal (F)