Air Force Junior ROTC

Air Force Junior ROTC
"Developing Citizens of Character Dedicated to Serving Their Nation and Community."

Air Force Junior ROTC

AFJROTC Earns Outstanding Organization Award

Headquarters AFJROTC recognized unit IN-20051 at Owen Valley High School with the Outstanding Organization Award.  Selection for this prestigious award was based on rigorous criteria to include achieving unit academic and conduct goals, performing community service hours, and the organization's overall impact on the cadets, school, and community. 

Combat Flight Simulator

The Cadet Corps recently raised over $2,000 to purchase a combat flight simulator where you can fly US Air Force aircraft such as the F-22 Raptor, F-16 Fighting Falcon, or F-15 Eagle.

Flight Simulator

IN-20051 SENIOR STAFF - Cadet Lt Col Landon Summerlot - Cadet Corps Commander


Color Guard

Color Guard practice every Tuesday from 3:30-4:30 pm. In the past, we have had the opportunity to present the Colors at Indiana Pacers games.

Academic Bowl

For the 3 of the past 4 years, the Air Force Junior ROTC (AFJROTC) Academic Bowl Team at Owen Valley High School advanced to the second round of the College Options Foundation's nationwide competition. 

Football Bleacher Clean Up

Community Service

AFJROTC cadets participate in numerous community service projects to include Game Night at the OV Health Campus, Latchkey at Spencer Elementary School, assisting the VFW and American Legion, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Bikes for Tykes, cleaning the trail for the My Path project, and raising money for BB/BS via Bowl for Kids Sake.

Flag Folding


Bleacher Cleanup

Vet Day

Apple Butter



AF JROTC Military Ball

The AFJROTC Military Ball is a formal for cadets and their guests only.  We have had guest speakers such as TSgt Clayton Jackson, the local Air Force recruiter and a 2007 graduate of Owen Valley High School.  After a catered dinner, cadets experience an evening of dancing and esprit de corps.


Headquarters AFJROTC web site.


INDIANA -20051-----AY 2024 - 2025 SYLLABUS

The Mission of Air Force JROTC is to develop citizens of character.


INSTRUCTOR NAME: Lt Col Russell C. Callaway & MSgt Nathan W. Todd


- Semester 1: Leadership Education 200:  Communication, Awareness, and Leadership 2nd Edition            

- Semester 2: Aerospace 200: The Science of Flight: A Gateway to New Horizons 2nd Edition                                          
- AF Manual 36-2203, Personnel Drill and Ceremonies, V-2627
- Selected Videos
- Cadet Guide

COURSE DESCRIPTION: AFJROTC will consist of three components: Aerospace Science (40%), Leadership Education (40%), and Wellness/Physical Fitness (20%).

Leadership Education 200:  Leadership Education 200: Communication, Awareness, and Leadership, Second Edition, is a customized course designed to improve communication, enhance awareness of self and others, and provide fundamentals of leadership and followership. The course focuses on the AFJROTC mission to “develop citizens of character.” Woven throughout is the underlying theme of developing personal integrity. The course also emphasizes leadership and values such as service and excellence. 

Aerospace 200:  This new course provides students with up-to-date information on exploring the fundamentals of the science of flight. It all starts with an introduction to the principles of flight. Students will explore aircraft design, flight control, and aircraft power options. In addition, students explore weather concepts, the effects of flight on the human body, and how to navigate during flight. Finally, students will investigate the safety of flight and possible career options in the aviation industry.

Drill and Ceremonies (AFMAN 36-2203), provides an in-depth introduction to drill and ceremonies. The course concentrates on the elements of military drill, and describes individual and group precision movements, procedures for saluting, drill, ceremonies, reviews, parades, and development of the command voice. Students are provided detailed instruction on ceremonial performances and protocol for civilian and military events and have the opportunity to personally learn drill. Though each class will follow an established lesson plan, most of the work is to be hands-on.  Cadets will be able to lead and execute the 30-step drill sequence by the end of their first year.

The Wellness/Physical Fitness Our designated wellness day is every Wednesday. The Wellness/Physical Fitness portion will incorporate the Cadet Health and Wellness Program (CHWP). The CHWP is an exercise program focused upon individual base line improvements with the goal of achieving a Presidential Physical Fitness standard calculated with age and gender. The goal of the CHWP is to motivate JROTC cadets to lead active, healthy lifestyles beyond program requirements and into their adult lives. Cadets will be given the opportunity to put into practice the wellness concepts that are taught in Leadership Education


Leadership Education 200:
1. Analyze the key factors in communication and critical thinking.

  1. Apply the elements of effective writing and public speaking.

  2. Analyze the importance of attitude in daily life.

  3. Evaluate the ways in which personality and behavior affect relationships with others.

  4. Analyze the foundation for an effective team.

  5. Apply effective problem-solving and consensus-building methods.

  6. Analyze the Air Force leadership model.

  7. Evaluate effective leadership and followership.


Aerospace 200:

  1. Examine the key principles of flight and how aircraft are designed to take advantage of the principles of flight.

  2. Examine the current and future methods for powering aircraft.

  3. Analyze weather patterns and their effects on flight.

  4. Evaluate the impacts of different flight regimes on the human body and methods for protecting humans during flight.

  5. Evaluate the fundamental principles of flight navigation.

  6. Examine the key aspects of flight safety and potential careers in the aviation industry.

Applies to both semesters
1. Motivate AFJROTC cadets to lead active, healthy lifestyles beyond program requirements and into their adult lives.
2. Create an individualized training program based on national standards by age and gender.
3. Identify areas of improvements for each cadet.
4. Incorporate a physical training program to reach goals

Uniform Day: Students WILL wear the Air Force JROTC uniform weekly (Thursday) and the issued PT uniform on Wednesday. Cadets are required to wear their uniform once a week on that day. Uniforms will be issued at the beginning of the school year and must be returned cleaned at the end of the school year. All dark blue uniform items must be dry cleaned.


  1. Know the importance of drill and ceremonies
    2. Know basic commands and characteristics of command voice
    3. Apply and execute the concepts and principles of basic drill positions and movements.
    4. Know when and how to salute

  2. Lead and execute the 30-step drill sequence

Canvas:  You will need to check Canvas on a daily basis for any announcements or homework.  All homework, textbooks, and tests will be loaded in Canvas.

Grading Scale:  90 to 100 = A

                          80 to 89 = B

                          70 to 79 = C

                          60 to 69 = D

                          59 and below = F

Late Work:  Course work will be accepted up to 2 weeks after the due date.  There will be a reduction of 10% of the overall grade.

OFFICE HOURS: Our standard duty hours are 0815 – 1530 hours. We are located in room 215. We have an open door policy, and you can come by and discuss anything you need to if we are available.

Presentation: You may be assigned an oral briefing. This assignment will be to demonstrate your verbal communication skills. You will prepare and present a 3 – 5 minute extemporaneous briefing on a subject to be determined. The target time for this presentation is 5 minutes and points will be deducted for those that are outside the 3 – 5 minute range. All topics will be submitted to the instructor for approval at a date to be specified later.

Written Assignments: You may be required to complete a Talking Paper covering your presentation topic to be turned in one class before your scheduled presentation. The intent of this paper is to assist you in planning, organizing, and delivery of your presentation. Additional writing assignments may be assigned if it is determined additional research or effort is needed on a particular subject matter.

Attendance: Attendance will be considered in determining your final grade but it is subordinate to measurable performance based on lesson objectives. Excused absences will not count against your daily grade, but missed work has to be completed. As an Air force Junior ROTC cadet, you will be expected to be punctual and present at your appointments.