
Kelly Helms

I have been teaching at Owen Valley High School since 1990.  I am married and I have two grown children and an adorable granddaughter.  I'm an avid IU fan (especially football), and I enjoy spending time with my family. I love teaching, and I look forward to having your son or daughter in my class!

Throughout the year, I will be teaching English, math, science, social studies, pre-vocational skills, workbase capstone classes, and basic skills development. My classes are adapted to meet the needs of many different types of learners.  Daily assignments are presented in our Canvas reporting system.  I follow the school grading scale, and grades can be accessed via Power School or Canvas.  I update grades in Power School at least once a week. 

 You can use the following ways to contact me: (I will do my best to respond within 24 hours.)

(812)829-2266, Ext. 6320 


This room



Class Expectations:

  1.  Respect yourself, the teachers and others

  • Follow all directives given by any teacher or IA in the room

  • Respect others’ property by not touching it

  • Clean up after yourself by putting away all of your materials

  • Use appropriate language and wear appropriate clothing

  1.  Put forth your best effort at all times

  • Always do your own best work

  • Put quality ahead of just getting it done

  • Keep trying and don’t give up

  1.  Be prepared for class each day

  • Have all necessary materials: paper, pencil, books, charged Chromebook, etc.

  1.  Preserve a positive learning environment

  • Pay attention, participate and ask questions

  • Stay tuned in and keep earbuds out of your ears

  1.  Take responsibility for your actions

  • All handbook rules will be enforced in the classroom

Class Rules:

  1.  Turn off cell phones and electronic devices

  • Cellphones and game devices are NOT allowed during class

  • Chromebooks should only be out when needed in class

  • Absolutely no streaming of music or videos on Chromebooks unless permission is given

  1.  No food or drink in the classroom, except water

  • Food and drink will be permitted for special occasions

  1. Arrive to class on time and ready to learn

  • You must be in the room before the bell rings or you will be tardy

  • When class is about to end, do not line up at the door

  • Do not cheat, plagiarize or copy work

  • Use polite and appropriate language 

Kelly Helms

Resource Teacher

Special Education Department Chair

Owen Valley High School

622 W. State Highway 46

Spencer, IN 47460