4th Grade, Room 113
Phone number: (812) 829-2253, extension 4264
Email address: lszymanski@socs.k12.in.us
Hello! Recently, a student asked me what my favorite part of school was. I told him that it was meeting my students, getting to know them, and developing a rapport with them. I believe students learn more readily if they can relate to their teacher and are able to trust her. I want my students to believe they are part of a family and that they are safe to learn and explore concepts being taught while in a nurturing environment.
Lisa Szymanski
E-learning expectations:
You must sign up for DOJO at the beginning of the year in order to receive updates and some assignment directions.
Check Google Classroom for assignments.
Assignments will be posted by 9:00 a.m.
The power of imagination makes us infinite.
John Muir