Pre-K registration opens on March 1, 2024! Students must be 4 years old by August 1, 2024 to enroll. More information coming soon!
about 1 year ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
Pre-K Registration Opens March 1, 2024
Join our team! 🚌 We will train you! 📆 No evenings or weekends. Contact S-OCS Transportation Director Kelly Sorensen at 812-829-7068 for more information.
over 1 year ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
Now Hiring S-OCS Bus Drivers
Stop by the OVHS front parking lot this Saturday, August 26, 2023 from Noon to 4:00 PM to get your car washed by the Owen Valley Patriot Choirs! 🚗
over 1 year ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
OVPC Car Wash
Please reach out to OVHS Ag teacher Shelby Wolford if you have any questions by calling 812-829-2266, Ext. 6244 or by emailing her at
almost 2 years ago, Owen Valley High School
FFA Pet Clinic Dates
​Come join the fun! 🎶 The Owen Valley Patriot Choir will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner & Cabaret Fundraiser on Friday, April 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM. 🍽 Presale Tickets: $8.00/Adult $6.00/12 & Under *Tickets sold at the door will be $2.00 more.
almost 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
OVPC to Host Spaghetti Supper & Cabaret Show
Owen Valley High School's self-sustaining, student-run business, Patriot Manufacturing, hosted executives from Cook Medical and Regional Opportunity Initiatives for a site visit this morning. Patriot Manufacturing student business leaders explained the processes and procedures that they use each day to successfully operate their production lines. They noted that Patriot Manufacturing has taught them soft skills and focuses on relevant, hands-on learning that helps them prepare for life following high school. We would like to thank the following people for visiting Patriot Manufacturing to learn about the great things happening at OVHS: (Cook Medical - Bloomington) *Dan Peterson, VP of Industry & Government Affairs *Gene Baker, VP and General Manager (Regional Opportunity Initiatives) *Michi McClaine, VP of Talent Development *Emily Menkedick, Education Specialist
almost 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
Cook Medical team members visit Patriot Manufacturing.
Cook Medical team members visit Patriot Manufacturing.
Cook Medical team members visit Patriot Manufacturing.
Cook Medical team members visit Patriot Manufacturing.
Congratulations to these OVHS Seniors who were recognized as members of the National Honor Society! @ovhs_patriots
almost 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
OVHS Senior National Honor Society Members
Do you have a child who will be 4 years old by August 1, 2023? If so, he/she is eligible for Pre-K at Spencer-Owen Community Schools. The 2023-2024 Pre-K Interest Forms will be released on Monday, April 3, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
Pre-K Interest Forms to be Released 4/3/2023
McCormick's Creek Elementary School 6th graders recently finished reading "A Long Walk to Water" and decided that they wanted to be part of the solution and help contribute to Salva Dut's organization. MCES 6th graders have challenged themselves to raise $1,000 by May 12, 2023. All donations can be made online and go directly to the organization Water for South Sudan. Below is the link to the MCES fundraising site:
almost 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
Iron Giraffe Challenge 2023
It's time to sign up for Kindergarten Registration! Do you have a child that will turn 5 years old by August 1, 2023? If so, please contact the elementary school where your child will attend for information regarding registration and kindergarten screening. GES: 812-879-4694 MCES: 812-828-6000 PES: 812-859-4525 SES: 812-829-2253
about 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
Kindergarten Registration is OPEN!
Cuteness overload!!! We have baby goats at the OVHS Goat Farm! Our Mama Doe Sunshine gave us a beautiful set of triplets over the weekend. Thirty Owen Valley FFA students worked at least one shift (2 hours) round the clock to be on hand to help with the delivery. Aren't they just absolutely adorable?
about 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
OVHS Goat Farm
It's School Counselors Week!
about 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
Thank you, School Counselors!
Big cheers to our very own Celeste Nicola who was just named as the January 2023 #JAGIndiana Specialist of the Month! Congratulations, Celeste! Thank you for all of your work with the OVHS JAG students.
about 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
JAG Specialist of the Month - Celeste Nicola
OVHS Freshman Class Fundraiser Little Caesars Pizza Kit and Cookie Dough Use this link to place your order today!
about 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
Little Caesars Pizza & Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Last year, Patriot Manufacturing partnered with Jay Reid from Ivory Ella to give back to our local community. Ivory Ella donated over 700 t-shirts to Patriot Manufacturing with the goal of selling them and donating profits to local organizations. Insurance Services, Inc. is sponsoring a "Blessings Bag" Food Drive in memory of their dear friend and co-worker, Kirby Stogsdill. Patriot Manufacturing student business leaders were pleased to be able to donate $500.00 for their project. For more information on how to support Insurance Services, Inc.'s Blessing Bags Project, please see the flyers below.
about 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
Pat Man Donates $500 to "Blessing Bags"
The OVHS JROTC volunteered their time to help the Spencer Exchange Club set up their Christmas tree sale lot at Babb's. We LOVE how community-minded our JROTC program is and their countless volunteer projects! Way to go, Cadets!
about 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
JROTC Assists Spencer Exchange Club
Gosport Elementary Head Custodian Dale Brown (affectionately known as Mr. Dale), created a special presentation for the students in honor of the birth of the Marines Corps. Dale served cupcakes to all of the GES students and staff members and took time to answer questions following the celebration. ———————————— On November 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia passed a resolution stating that "two Battalions of Marines be raised" for service as landing forces with the fleet. This resolution established the Continental Marines and marked the birth date of the United States Marine Corps.
about 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
GES  Head Custodian Shares  Marine History
Learning often extends outside of the school hours. This was the case this past week when some Patricksburg Elementary School students chose to stay after school to participate in a "noodle-making" class. Students learned to make their own dough and rolled/cut their own noodles. Special thanks to PES teacher Beth Nairn for leading this class.
about 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
PES Students Learn How to Make Noodles
Owen Valley Middle School was proud to host their special Veteran guests for recognition and lunch. Special thanks to OVMS members of Scout Troops 119 and 1119 for presenting the Flag Ceremony and to Thelma & Louise Catering for donating the food. Our OVMS students shared wonderful messages to our Veterans and cheered them on as they walked through the hallways.
about 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
Veterans Honored at OVMS
OVHS was gifted two tickets to the Live2Lead Conference Simulcast in Martinsville on October 28 by Legacy Business Consultants. Kaitlin Padgett and Sadie Neff attended and learned from leadership gurus like John Maxwell and Patrick Lencioni. They learned valuable leadership skills, including how different generations can work together. What a great opportunity to increase leadership in our students!
about 2 years ago, Spencer-Owen Community Schools
Live2Lead Conference