For the 22-23 school year, schools are returning to eligibility meal pricing due to federal pandemic waivers expiring.
Click the link to:
• Apply for free & reduced priced benefits
• Deposit funds, manage accounts
• Setup recurring payments & spending limits
OVMS Supply Lists for 7th and 8th grade are attached.
Don’t forget about the Back to School Expo, Sat., July 23, where free supplies will be handed out at the fairgrounds.
AND…our OVMS back to school night on Tuesday, July 26, 5-7 PM.
#socsowen #beawesometoday
Indiana Veterans: School Supply Assistance
Head on down to the Owen Cty Fairgrounds & check out all of the great things our students are doing in 4-H, FFA, Band, & Choir! 🐓 🐐 🐖 🐄
Take a night off from cooking, stop by the Owen Valley Patriot Choir booth & enjoy a delicious dinner. All proceeds benefit the choir! 🍔
It’s time to register your child(ren) for the 2022-2023 school year. ✏️
1) Visit our school website (, click on Families
2) Choose Final Forms - Student Registration
3) Login, follow instructions for updating your child’s Forms
School calendar. #socsowen
It’s July! #socsowen #beawesometoday
SOCS Job Fair Info!
Come join our team!
Today is the day!
IHSAA Sports Physicals - $10.00
IU Health SIP - Spencer (by Owen Valley Health Campus)
Thursday, June 30, 2022
2:00 - 6:00 PM
IHSAA Sports Physicals - $10.00
IU Health SIP - Spencer (by Owen Valley Health Campus)
Thursday, June 30, 2022
2:00 - 6:00 PM
#Socsowen #beawesometoday
The track is open! #socsowen
Mark your calendars! #socsowen
Serving Owen County Together!
Mark your calendar for this fantastic community event on Saturday, June 25, 2022!
FREE Summer Fitness Opportunity for Teenagers
Mark your calendars!
IHSAA Sports Physicals - $10.00
IU Health SIP - Spencer (by Owen Valley Health Campus)
Thursday, June 30, 2022
2:00 - 6:00 PM
June athletics calendar
OVMS Athletics is looking for coaches for the 2022-2023 school year:
Fall: Cross Country
Winter: Boys 7th gr basketball
Girls 7th gr basketball
Spring: Softball
Please reach out to Justin Lowry at if interested! #socsowen #beawesometoday
The Spencer Lions Club will provide FREE meals to any Owen County resident 18 years of age and younger. Meals for 19+ are available for $3/person.
Mon-Fri starts-TOMORROW from 12-1 at 60 N. Main Street in Spencer. 
Questions? Contact:
Lion Charlotte Query
8th grade awards video link: